Hello list,
openldap-2.3.41 db-4.2.52.NC-PLUS_5_PATCHES SunOS ldapmaster01.unix 5.10 Generic_127128-11 i86pc i386 i86pc
We currently have 1 master, and about 25 clients hanging off it, using syncrepl. Today we restarted the master for the first time in quite some time. This was to add an index we had forgotten. It was only added to the master.
Initially, the master replies very fast to test-ldapsearch.
But it appears that all 25 clients connect within the first 30seconds or so, and start the syncing process. This appears to take about 30 minutes of communicating back and forth. (As observed with snoop/tcpdump).
Simple commandline ldapsearch connect, but never replies. I haven't even started the software that talks to ldapmaster, so it is essentially doing nothing. (Just checking everything is in sync, there should be no changes).
This seems rather aggressive. I assume my syncrepl is set far too eagerly. Normally, syncrepl works beautifully, and updates are very fast across the board. But having hour long no-response from the master after a restart is undesirable.
Can someone suggest better values for our syncrepl?
Master has:
lastmod on checkpoint 128 15 cachesize 10000 overlay syncprov syncprov-checkpoint 100 10 syncprov-sessionlog 100
Slaves has: (RID is based on IP's last octet + 256)
lastmod on checkpoint 128 15 cachesize 10000 syncrepl rid=279 provider=ldap:// type=refreshAndPersist interval=00:00:00:30 searchbase="dc=company,dc=com" filter="(objectClass=*)" attrs="*" scope=sub schemachecking=off updatedn="cn=admin,dc=company,dc=com" bindmethod=simple binddn="cn=admin,dc=company,dc=com" credentials="OurSecret" retry="60 10 300 +"
# wait 60s then retry connect 10 times, then wait 300s forever updateref ldap://