I think the man page is concise and precise. The admin guide could benefit from some more detailed explanation, and some examples of the
case with URI:
<slapd.conf> serverID 1 ldap://host1.example.com serverID 2 ldap://host2.example.com serverID 3 ldap://host3.example.com </slapd.conf>
same slapd.conf, different FQDN:
host1.example.com takes ID 1 host2.example.com takes ID 2 host3.example.com takes ID 3
each DSA will generate entryCSNs like
host1.example.com: 20080830094621.123456Z#000000#001#000000 host2.example.com: 20080830094621.123456Z#000000#002#000000 host3.example.com: 20080830094621.123456Z#000000#003#000000
SID ^^^
Yeah, sounds good. Will add.