--On Tuesday, August 28, 2007 1:47 PM -0400 Rick Tautin rtautin@coppolaenterprises.net wrote:
I am trying to use the ldappasswd –s option to set a users password but if I use certain characters i.e. '$&() it won't run the command because of the special characters, if I enclose the whole password in double quotes it at least accepts the command but it doesn't change the password correctly because I can't login using the new password. If I run the ldappasswd –S so it prompts and I manually enter the same password it sets it correctly and I can then login with the new password. What is the difference on how the –s and –S sets the password. I need to use the –s for a webpage that I have setting the password. Thank you
I'd think in the first case (with -s) it is including the quotes as a part of the password. It is often inadvisable to use binaries in things like web pages. Why not use Net::LDAPapi or Net::LDAP (both perl) or PHP to do the password change?
Quanah Gibson-Mount Principal Software Engineer Zimbra, Inc -------------------- Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration