-----Original Message----- From: openldap-software-bounces+mhardin=symas.com@OpenLDAP.org [mailto:openldap-software-bounces+mhardin=symas.com@OpenLDAP.org] On Behalf Of Simon Renshaw Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 3:02 PM To: openldap-software@openldap.org Subject: Error message while starting service
I installed OpenLDAP 2.2.29 on a Win2003 SP2 server that is already an AD DC (so that might be the problem).
When I start the service, I get the following error message: service-specific error 16.
2.2.29's a bit old, but if you look in the source for that build you should be able to determine the cause of the error. At a guess, error 16 is "port already in use", so you're likely on the right track. At some point in the past slapd was given the ability to look in the registry for the port number (the listener, actually) and that information, too, is in the source.
If you're looking for something a bit newer, go get one of our distributions based on 2.3.x - we released a free Windows distro last month. Documentation, including information on changing the port number, is in the ReadMe that's included with the distribution.
We run OpenLDAP on AD domain controllers all the time- just change the listener to use a different port number.
Matthew Hardin Symas Corporation Packaged and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP: http://www.symas.com