I'm using OpenLDAP 2.3.24 on FreeBSD 6.1. I'm using slurpd between one master and one slave.
I'm having these messages on the slave:
Jul 19 21:20:37 pollux slapd[13533]: conn=792 op=2 UNBIND Jul 19 21:20:37 pollux slapd[13533]: conn=792 fd=18 closed Jul 19 21:20:37 pollux slapd[13533]: connection_read(18): no connection!
Jul 20 01:15:37 pollux slapd[17928]: conn=182 op=2 UNBIND Jul 20 01:15:37 pollux slapd[17928]: conn=182 fd=11 closed Jul 20 01:15:37 pollux slapd[17928]: connection_read(11): no connection!
ul 21 15:47:17 pollux slapd[33013]: conn=1090 op=2 UNBIND Jul 21 15:47:17 pollux slapd[33013]: conn=1090 fd=23 closed Jul 21 15:47:17 pollux slapd[33013]: connection_read(23): no connection!
This seems to never happen on the master.
I found some infos on mailing lists archives about poorly written clients not unbinding before closing connexion but apparently this is not the case here. I also found a message of Quanah telling this is a harmless error but I'd like to understand what's happening and why only on the slave.
Best regards, Thierry.