Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
--On Wednesday, July 16, 2008 1:04 PM -0700 Eric ef87@yahoo.com wrote:
The error can be avoided by either 1.) removing the "overlay rwm" from slapd.conf, 2.) move "overlay rwm" below a second database definition, 3.) use "map attribute" in the "database meta" section to select only certain attributes.
I would certainly like the two to work together in order to perform rewrites at a global level (and not have to configure my slapd.conf to work around a server crash).
"overlay XXXX" is a database specific directive, i.e., it is not allowed globally. See slapd.conf(5).
Overlays can be used globally, unless a specific overlay implementation is designed to disallow this feature. Usually, slapo-rwm(5) and slapd-meta(5) do not work well together, since slapd-meta(5) provides built-in rewrite capabilities. The issue is definitely worth debugging. I suggest an ITS be filed.
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati OpenLDAP Core Team
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