ldapmodify -v -x -f /path-to-ldif -w -D "cn=nsadmin,o=trac"
When you try to modify ldap entry, using ldif file, how do you add "userPassword" field ? In ldif file usually hashed password value, e.g.
if you have password "foobar", hashed {CRYPT} string will be $1$J/E/qSv7$SQtxGHJ2UTwkQ40qX8WcN/ Now, with some gui tool like GQ or LdapStudio, you should add prefix {CRYPT} and paste
into ldap object. This should also work, if you paste above string with {CRYPT} prefix (or {MD5} or other, depending how you hashed the password.
Note that with slapcat/slapadd user password should be additionaly base64 encoded, and AFAIR, "userPassword" attribute name should be prepended with double colon, e.g
perl -MMIME::Base64 -e "print encode_base64('{CRYPT}$1$J/E/qSv7$SQtxGHJ2UTwkQ40qX8WcN/');"
userPassword:: e0NSWVBUfS9FL3FTdjcv
Anyway does authentication work with slapd.conf including plain or hashed password? P.