Thanks Quanah.
I am thinking of installing RED HAT LINUX 7.3 on another computer and install openldap 1.2.13.
If I have the above environment, can I copy /etc/openldap and /usr/share/openldap date to this PC and export the database.
I can not go back to RH LINUX 6.2 as it can not be installed on any PC hardware lower than Pentium 4. I don't have Pentium 2 or Pentium 3 PCs. I believe RH LINUX versions 7.0 and above can be installed on Pentium 4 PC.
Assuming above env is right, after exporting data to LDIF format, how can import LDIF to new version of Openldap (2.2 version) running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.
Ravi Rajasekharuni - Web and Data Admin Unit 2, 12 Mars Road, Lane Cove, NSW 2066 Tel: +61 2 8987 5727 Fax: +61 2 8987 5720 Web:
-----Original Message----- From: Quanah Gibson-Mount [] Sent: Tuesday, 23 October 2007 2:45 PM To: Ravi Rajasekharuni; Subject: RE: Openldap upgrade/migration
--On Tuesday, October 23, 2007 2:06 PM +1000 Ravi Rajasekharuni wrote:
Thanks Quanah for a quick reply.
The old LINUX 6.2 server running openldap 1.2 is not operational, but all the old files (/etc/openldap, /usr/share/openldap (database) are available on a new LINUX server running Red hat Enterprise Linux 4.
can I export openldap data from old files sitting on this new Linux server.? I believe the slapcat command is only recognizes openldap 2.x databases.
Is there any other way of exporting data from old openldap 1.2 version data files using a latest version of openldap tools.
Nope. You need to have 1.2 running to export it with the 1.2 tools. At
least, that's my assumption, having never seen 1.2 running. :P
Quanah Gibson-Mount Principal Software Engineer Zimbra, Inc -------------------- Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration