--On Tuesday, October 23, 2007 2:06 PM +1000 Ravi Rajasekharuni ravi.rajasekharuni@au.issworld.com wrote:
Thanks Quanah for a quick reply.
The old LINUX 6.2 server running openldap 1.2 is not operational, but all the old files (/etc/openldap, /usr/share/openldap (database) are available on a new LINUX server running Red hat Enterprise Linux 4. How can I export openldap data from old files sitting on this new Linux server.? I believe the slapcat command is only recognizes openldap 2.x databases.
Is there any other way of exporting data from old openldap 1.2 version data files using a latest version of openldap tools.
Nope. You need to have 1.2 running to export it with the 1.2 tools. At least, that's my assumption, having never seen 1.2 running. :P
Quanah Gibson-Mount Principal Software Engineer Zimbra, Inc -------------------- Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration