Piotr Wadas pwadas@dtpw.pl writes:
Hello, I'm using openldap 2.4.11 on linux x86 system, with one database bdb backend, with the following options in slapd.conf file:
database bdb [..] dbnosync cachesize 1000 checkpoint 0 0 [..]
Are you really sure to not have any checkpointing?
Is it possible to disable bdb log.00000[0..n] files completely? I can slapcat the database, then remove these, slapadd and reindex database, and there's no logs, but is it possible to avoid creating them? Or set up some limit of numer/size of them ? Let's assume I don't need logs. I hate logs. I don't wany any logs, whatever :) I reviewed bdb documentation, but there's no clear information how to control this.
The log files are transaction logs, the information in this log files is required for database recovery.
Additionally - when I have a "DB_CONFIG" file in /etc/ldap, and a DB_CONFIG file in database storage dir, e.g. /var/lib/ldap, which one is actually used? My guess'd be /var/lib/ldap/DB_CONFIG, but I'd like to know for sure :-)
The DB_CONFIG file is to be placed in the database directory, that is in your case most likely /var/lib/ldap