Hi all,
I called configure as follows (everything on one line):
env LDFLAGS="-L/opt/eplatform/db-4.5.20.NC-p2/lib -L/usr/local/ssl/lib -R/opt/eplatform/db-4.5.20.NC-p2/lib -R/usr/local/ssl/lib" CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/eplatform/db-4.5.20.NC-p2/include -I/usr/local/ssl/include" ./configure --prefix=/opt/eplatform/openldap-2.3.39 --with-tls --with-cyrus-sasl --enable-overlays --enable-bdb --enable-hdb --enable-ldap --enable-meta --enable-cleartext --enable-spasswd --disable-crypt --disable-passwd --enable-monitor --enable-aci --enable-rewrite --enable-debug --enable-syslog --enable-relay
so I suppose, yes I had LDFLAGS set and it also contained the -R flag for both BDB and OpenSSL.
I must admit I have never seen the error you are reporting. I have compiled cyrus-sasl, berkeleydb and openldap on solaris10 and opensolaris a few times, I am running openldap in three zones on my amd64 test rigg, without major problems. You should probably build an unstripped slapd an run attached to a debugger.