Am Sonntag 26 Oktober 2008 schrieb Dieter Kluenter:
Wilhelm Meier writes:
Am Samstag 25 Oktober 2008 schrieb Dieter Kluenter:
Wilhelm Meier writes:
I think this is a relative simple question but I did not use the meta/ldap-backend before.
We have an openldap-server for user authentification. The user bind as
where <user> is the actual username.
We have a diffent application where only users of a special posixGroup "Archiv" should be valid. The application is not capable of doing some sort of filtering.
So, I thought it must be passoble to do this filtering with the meta or ldap-backup using the original ldap-db:
the filter should look like:
where <user> is the username as above.
You don't provide an example of the applications searchstring, so only as a general hint, the rewrite engine of back-ldap, back-meta or back-relay might meet your requirements, man slapo-rwm(5), man slapd-meta(5), slapd-relay(5) provide some information.
The structure of the DIT is that we have the users below ou=Benutzer,dc=kmux,dc=de with dn as described above. They are of ObjectClass posixAccount, ...
Then we have the PosixGroups below ou=Gruppen,dc=kmux,dc=de, e.g. cn=Archiv,ou=Gruppen,dc=kmux,dc=de. The posixGroup objectClass has the user-objects as the multi-value attribute memberUid. This is the normal case for pam-authentification.
My simple thought was to transparently "filter out" the user-objects not belonging to the correct posixGroup: construct an DIT where all non-"Archiv" user are not visible, for the example above.
The application users should then bind to the meta-ldap uri with a different base-dn, e.g. ou=Archiv,dc=kmux,dc=de.
This leads to the generell problem to make all the users of posixGroup xyz visible under the ou=xyz,ou=Gruppen, ...
You may configure back-meta or back-relay, some rudimentary samples:
database meta suffix cn=Archive,ou=Gruppen,dc=kmux,dc=de uri ldap://<host>/cn=archive,ou=Gruppen,dc=kmux,dc=de
database relay suffix cn=Archive relay cn=archive,ou=Gruppen,dc=kmux,dc=de overlay rwm rwm-suffixmassage "cn=archive" "cn=archive,ou=Gruppen,dc=kmux,dc=de"
Depending on the authentication framework, you may have to define rewrite rules for the authentication string.
Sure, but I still miss the point ;-)
Consider the following objects:
a user:
dn: uid=tester,ou=Benutzer,dc=kmux,dc=de objectClass: inetOrgPerson objectClass: posixAccount uidNumber: 1000 gidNumber: 1000 ...
another user:
dn: uid=tester,ou=Benutzer,dc=kmux,dc=de objectClass: inetOrgPerson objectClass: posixAccount uidNumber: 1001 gidNumber: 1000 ...
a group:
dn: cn=Archiv,ou=Gruppen,dc=kmux,dc=de objectClass: posixGroup gidNumber: 1010 memberUid: tester memberUid: tester2 ...
another group
dn: cn=CMS,ou=Gruppen,dc=kmux,dc=de objectClass: posixGroup gidNumber: 1011 memberUid: tester2 ...
The application binds with the user-dn (and password).
What I want to (must) do is to "hide" all the user-dns who are not in the group "Archiv" for this special application. That is, if their uid is in the memberUid-attribute of the special posixGroup "Archiv", the bind is granted, otherwise not.
I don't see how to make this work with the rwm-overlay or some sort of acls. But I'm sure, I missed something ...