<quote who="Mike Bloom">
Gavin Henry wrote:
<quote who="Mike Bloom">
I've been using ldap for a few years now, but I've come to the realization that I have a lot of mysql databases lying around that should be integrated and unified. Its time to move to something more robust.
I'm using openldap-24 and am thrilled with the responsiveness and extensibility of the software, but I'm curious about using mysql as a back end instead of bdb.
I've been able get unixODBC up and running without any problems, but I'm stumbling a bit over the 10,000 foot view on metadata and how to generate metadata to insert a samba 3 object.
After skimming for a few days, I found this lovely overview (http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/978.html) which didn't inspire a lot of confidence in how easy it would be to support abstract schemas that we might want to host on this system.
From this discussion and subsequent threads (http://www.openldap.org/lists/openldap-software/200511/msg00504.html) , I'm concerns about the practicality and that I might have unrealistic expectations for being able to deploy 250k records on my mysql cluster to service a series of ldap servers over back-sql.
Does anyone run back-sql in production, and what kind of records on what scale of system are you using ?
I have high confidence that I want to use ldap, but I'd rather right provisioning software that talks to a mysql database than to talk to the ldap database. To make things more complicated, I suspect we will be moving to oracle in the next few years.
I don't mean to sound cheeky or rude, but have you the great page about RDBMS vs Directories below?
It might help in your decision.
Thanks Gavin,
That's exactly the sort of thing I was looking for. I appreciate your time.
No, no, we should appreciate the time of the people that wrote that FAQ page! ;-)