On 1/24/07, Gavin Henry ghenry@suretecsystems.com wrote:
<quote who="daniel@ncsu.edu"> > Hi folk! > > We upgraded to OpenLDAP 2.3.32 recently and I ran into something that, > unless I have completely lost my mind, should not be occuring: > > /local/ldap/data # /local/ldap/bin/ldapmodify -x -h localhost -D > "cn=ldapadmin,dc=ncsu,dc=edu" -w LDAPADMINPASSWORD > dn: uid=STUDENTUSERNAME,ou=students,ou=people,dc=ncsu,dc=edu > changetype: modify > replace: ou > ou: B A - Physics > ou: B S - Philosophy > - > replace: ncsucurriculumcode > ncsucurriculumcode: PYA > ncsucurriculumcode: LSL > > modifying entry "uid=STUDENTUSERNAME,ou=students,ou=people,dc=ncsu,dc=edu" > ldap_modify: Type or value exists (20) > additional info: modify/replace: ou: value #1 already exists > > > Obviously I replaced the user's username and my ldap admin password. ;D > A replace should literally be replacing the ou and ignoring what it's > currently set to, correct? And since those two ou's are not the same, it > should be fine? What's even more bizarre is that I didn't run into this > while populating the database in the first place. Is this, perchance, > fixed in 2.3.33? Thanks!
You don't supply the old attribute value, just the new one.
man ldapmodify
But the above *should* work, shouldn't it? A replace operation with multiple ou values should replace all existing ou values with the two listed ou values (see page 31 of RFC 4511)