Luis Neves wrote:
but i want to specifie a raw filter to the userCertificate atribute: Ive uuencoded the original DER certificate and used the result as a search filter
Not sure whether you generated the search filter correctly at all. If you use uuencode the cert gets base64-encoded?
If you want to search for an octet string you have to use hex-escaping of the bytes in the search filter. See the escaping rules in RFC 4515.
ldapsearch -x -h -p 389 -D "cn=root,dc=cm-lisboa,dc=pt" -w ***** -s sub -b "ou=AuthzLDAPCertmap,dc=cm-lisboa,dc=pt" '(&(userCertificate;binary=\30\82\07\38\30\82\06\20\a0\03\02\01\02\02\08\d9\33\e0\f2\f9\5d\0f\30\0d\06\09\2a\86\48\86 etc etc etc )(objectClass=strongAuthenticationUser))'
But userCertificate has certificateExactMatch ( defined as equality matching rule. This is *not* the octetStringMatch ( matching rule.
Searching certs with octetStringMatch will obviously not perform well though. I'd recommend to think about another method.
Since you asked a similar question on openssl-users I assume you want to use this module. Right?
Ciao, Michael.