On Tuesday 18 March 2008 17:59:16 Kevin Kim wrote:
I also did
$ /opt/bin/ldapadd -Z -x -W -D "cn=Manager,dc=myorg,dc=com" -v -f person.ldif
$ /opt/bin/ldapsearch -x -W -D "uid=testuser,ou=People,dc=myorg,dc=com" "(objectclass=*)" Enter LDAP Password: ldap_bind: Confidentiality required (13) additional info: TLS confidentiality required
This one seems quite obvious to me, but you use -Z on your ldapadd, but not on your ldapsearch, while you have slapd configured to require transport security. Surely it is obvious you should use -Z with the ldapsearch?
Regarding ldapwhoami, did you read the man page, or the --help output? It takes similar options to ldapsearch, and you didn't provide any (while you need to for "simple" binds).
Regards, Buchan