Adam Williams writes:
With openldap 2.3 the following ldif would load fine with ldapmodify:
dn: uid=panderson,ou=People,dc=mdah,dc=state,dc=ms,dc=us changetype: modify sambaProfilePath: \preshs\profiles\panderson sambaHomePath: \preshs\panderson sambaLogonScript: scripts\panderson.bat sambaHomeDrive: R:
Over the weekend I upgraded to OpenLDAP 2.4.12. I was googling and I think my ldif now needs to look like this, but I get an error when trying to load it, and I'm not sure why, any ideas?
dn: uid=panderson,ou=People,dc=mdah,dc=state,dc=ms,dc=us changetype: modify replace: sambaProfilePath sambaProfilePath: \preshs\profiles\panderson
replace: sambaHomePath sambaHomePath: \preshs\panderson
replace: sambaLogonScript:
[...] remove the colon next to sambaLogonScript