Navaneetha Subramanian wrote:
Thanks for all you input. Trying the ldapsearch with -E pr(paged result) command gives the same error
DB2-95-02:~ # ldapsearch -E '!pr=10' -x -h -b "dc=openldap,dc=dev,dc=net6,dc=com" -s sub '(objectclass=person)' dn # extended LDIF # # LDAPv3 # base <dc=openldap,dc=dev,dc=net6,dc=com> with scope subtree # filter: (objectclass=person) # requesting: dn # with pagedResults critical control: size=10 #
# search result search: 2 result: 53 Server is unwilling to perform text: critical control unavailable in context
Following is listing from slapd.conf file
database ldbm
ldbm does not support paged results. Note that this is not the only, nor the main reason for avoiding the use of back-ldbm. You should use back-bdb or back-hdb, possibly with a recent version of OpenLDAP.
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati OpenLDAP Core Team
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