Thomas Seifert wrote:
Thats it. The ibmslapd seems to assume a default search base while I had to enter one for openldap in ldap.conf or on the command-line. Now I'm getting the expected results back!
^^^^ this is incorrect. As the man page clearly states, no "DN" portion must be provided in the URI (you should have gotten a warning about it, but who cares about warnings, eh? Next version it'll error out).
Well, yeah. That didn't help directly either, but see above, it works now. Could someone please fix the html-docs too if the manpages are the reference? It shows at least the wrong uri-syntax and the wrong name for the overlay.
Good catch! Apparently that doc was crafted from an example using back-meta as the proxy; in fact, back-meta needs the DN portion. Please file an ITS for this
Thanks, p.
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati OpenLDAP Core Team
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