I guess I wasn't clear enough, I'm working on the client and need to get the DN from the server after performing a GSSAPI bind.
ldap_whoami_s(...) looks like it should work, although right now I'm getting an LDAP_DECODING_ERROR (-4) from it, and I don't know why.
Any ideas what causes that error. The client is using openldap 2.3.24 on a linux system, and the server is Windows 2000 Active Directory.
On 1/24/07, Dieter Klünter wrote:
Am Dienstag, 23. Januar 2007 22:33 schrieb Kenneth Rogers:
After a successful GSSAPI binding, is there an easy way to get the DN for that user from the server?
sasl returns an authentication string something like uid=<user>,cn=<realm>,cn=<mechanism>,cn=auth this string can be mapped to an entry, see the authz-regexp directive in slapd.conf(5).
-- Dieter Klünter | Systemberatung GPG Key ID:8EF7B6C6