Quanah Gibson-Mount a écrit :
Since I don't know the particulars of your database, I don't know whether or not your database configuration is sufficient for your system. I'd suggest reading up on proper DB tuning, and the parameters for tuning slapd (see the slapd-bdb(5) man page). In particular on the BDB side:
for sure; I confess I do not know BDB as well as I should :( I started with some BDB "man pages", but it's still a long way...
does a "formula" exists to calculate "good" settings, knowing the size and number of entries of the database ?
What's the total size of your database? (du -c -h *.bdb) How many locks, lockers and lock objects are you using? (You'll need to find the right db_stat binary for your database, and then use the -c option)
the total size is: # du -c -h *.bdb [...] 136M total
and db_stat outputs: # slapd_db_stat -c 189 Last allocated locker ID 0x7fffffff Current maximum unused locker ID 9 Number of lock modes 1000 Maximum number of locks possible 1000 Maximum number of lockers possible 1000 Maximum number of lock objects possible 37 Number of current locks 349 Maximum number of locks at any one time 60 Number of current lockers 63 Maximum number of lockers at any one time 37 Number of current lock objects 183 Maximum number of lock objects at any one time 40M Total number of locks requested (40770521) 40M Total number of locks released (40770436) 0 Total number of locks upgraded 39 Total number of locks downgraded 0 Lock requests not available due to conflicts, for which we waited 0 Lock requests not available due to conflicts, for which we did not wait 0 Number of deadlocks 0 Lock timeout value 0 Number of locks that have timed out 0 Transaction timeout value 0 Number of transactions that have timed out 544KB The size of the lock region 0 The number of region locks that required waiting (0%)
How many total entries are in your database? What is your cachesize setting in slapd.conf in relation to that? What's your idlcachesize setting? etc.
we have some 38,185 entries in the database (between 37,000 and 40,000, depending on the days...), and the cachesize is: # grep cachesize DB_CONFIG set_cachesize 0 268435456 1
however, I do not have an "idlecachesize" setting, neither in DB_CONFIG, nor in slapd.conf...
I just noticed I left the "allow bind_v2" directive in slapd.conf, could it be the cause of bad performance ?
thank you for all help provided, regards,