Sorry if this question has been asked before (but I have looked through the archives and didn't find anything). After upgrading from debian etch to lenny, I'm running the slapd version 2.4.11-1. The upgrade worked without any itches except for one thing - it seems I can't search for the attribute uidNumber anymore. I've had a look at my schema files but they didn't contain a definition for uidNumber, so after reading I found out this is a builtin attribute. So here's what happens:
this works without problems: ldapsearch -D cn=admin,dc=wogri,dc=at -b dc=wogri,dc=at -h ldap.wogri.at '(&(uid=user))' -W -x
this results - amongst others in:
dn: uid=user,ou=People,o=myOrg,dc=wogri,dc=at gidNumber: 100 uidNumber: 1000 objectClass: account objectClass: posixAccount objectClass: top objectClass: shadowAccount gecos: Wolfgang Hennerbichler uid: user
but this search, which should bring the same result doesn't work: ldapsearch -D cn=admin,dc=wogri,dc=at -b dc=wogri,dc=at -h ldap.wogri.at '(&(uidNumber=1000))' -W -x
# search result search: 2 result: 0 Success
Using my LDAP-Browser I found out that the schema definition for uidNumber looks like this: OID: Syntax: Equality: integerMatch
I don't quite get this (as I also don't see why it shouldn't work), unfortunately this breaks more or less my whole setup, so I'd be very thankful for an answer!