Hi Joy!
I suggest you to use slapcat, but its better stop the OpenLDAP. You can make a crontab task on midnight, or something like.
A very simple example of shell script.
/etc/init.d/ldap stop
slapcat > /path/to/backup/backup_base.ldif tar -zcf /path/to/backup/backup_ldap.tar.gz /etc/ldap /path/to/base
/etc/init.d/ldap start
On 7/11/07, JOYDEEP j.bakshi@unlimitedmail.org wrote:
Dear list,
I am newbie in OpenLDAP. Prersently I am running an OpenLDAP as the authentication of Postfix+IMAP email server. How can I take backup and maintain the database of LDAP ? what are the commands ? I like to place the associated commands in a cron jobs. Please enlighten me. thanks