"Dieter Kluenter" dieter@dkluenter.de writes:
"Naufal Sheikh" naufalzamir@gmail.com writes:
Hi Sorry Dieter,
I have been trying to redo everything from the beginning, and now I have got everything right except the same problem. Here is the error which slapadd generates:
dnPrettyNormal: <uid=ddmartin,o=trac>
<<< dnPrettyNormal: <uid=ddmartin,o=trac>, <uid=ddmartin,o=trac> str2entry: invalid value for attribute clientorg (syntax slapadd: could not parse entry (line=102853)
clientorg:: TXVzc2VsaGH8cyBQcm9kdWN0aW9ucw==
And slapadd is right here as the attribute value for clientorg is not pure ascii 'Musselha� Productions', there is a strange character in the value.
sorry some misinterpretation on my side, syntax of clientorg is directory string, not IA5string, but still there is a strange character in the value which cannot be read. My working environment is UTF-8 but still my system cannot display this character.