I am trying to grant users access to a ldap object when
user/allowedDomain match the Mail object ou.
To accomplish that I have to use set.regex and substring
substitution, but I was not able to figure out what I am doing wrong.
This is the current ACL:
access to dn.regex="^(.+,)?ou=([^,]+),ou=Mail,o=example,c=BR$"
by set="user/allowedDomain & this/ou" write
"ou=example.com,ou=Mail,o=example,c=BR" = write(=wrscxd)
"mail=test(a)example.com,ou=example.com,ou=Mail,o=example,c=BR" = 0
This is the ACL that I am trying to build. It was expecting both
results as = write(=wrscxd), but I am getting only = 0.
access to dn.regex="^(.+,)?ou=([^,]+),ou=Mail,o=example,c=BR$"
by set.regex="user/allowedDomain & $2" write
"ou=example.com,ou=Mail,o=example,c=BR" = 0
"mail=test(a)example.com,ou=example.com,ou=Mail,o=example,c=BR" = 0
Any ideas about what I should do for this to work?