I got my 2.3.32 compiled and working on saturday,
and I've been playing with it since.
One thing that I stumbled on was the ACI's. I make
heavy usage of that (ever since 2.0 - as a third party
patch I think - or early 2.1 at least). But my database
from 2.2 didn't want to load because of OpenLDAPaci
This is what my aci looks like on the root object:
----- s n i p -----
OpenLDAPaci: 0#entry#grant;r,s,c;objectClass,userReference,[entry]#public#
OpenLDAPaci: 1#entry#grant;r,s,c;useControls,useEzmlm,useBind9,useWebSrv,autoR
OpenLDAPaci: 2#entry#grant;w,r,s,c,x;[all]#access-id#uid=turbo,ou=People,o=Fre
----- s n i p -----
This is aparently not allowed, in many ways! You can't
seem to 'stack' the attributes any more.
Well, since I don't have 'Net access in my apartment
in Lisbon, I had to figure this out by trial and error.
I ended up with something like this:
----- s n i p -----
OpenLDAPaci: 0#entry#grant;r,s,c;objectClass#public#
OpenLDAPaci: 1#entry#grant;r,s,c;userReference#public#
OpenLDAPaci: 2#entry#grant;r,s,c;[entry]#public#
OpenLDAPaci: 3#entry#grant;r,s,c;useControls#users#
OpenLDAPaci: 4#entry#grant;r,s,c;useEzmlm#users#
OpenLDAPaci: 5#entry#grant;r,s,c;useBind9#users#
OpenLDAPaci: 6#entry#grant;r,s,c;useWebSrv#users#
OpenLDAPaci: 7#entry#grant;r,s,c;autoReload#users#
OpenLDAPaci: 8#entry#grant;r,s,c;allowServerChange#users#
OpenLDAPaci: 9#entry#grant;r,s,c;whoAreWe#users#
OpenLDAPaci: 10#entry#grant;r,s,c;language#users#
OpenLDAPaci: 11#entry#grant;r,s,c;hostMaster#users#
OpenLDAPaci: 12#entry#grant;r,s,c;ezmlmBinaryPath#users#
OpenLDAPaci: 13#entry#grant;r,s,c;krb5RealmName#users#
OpenLDAPaci: 14#entry#grant;r,s,c;krb5AdminServer#users#
OpenLDAPaci: 15#entry#grant;r,s,c;krb5PrincipalName#users#
OpenLDAPaci: 16#entry#grant;r,s,c;krb5AdminKeytab#users#
OpenLDAPaci: 17#entry#grant;r,s,c;krb5AdminCommandPath#users#
OpenLDAPaci: 18#entry#grant;r,s,c;controlBaseDn#users#
OpenLDAPaci: 19#entry#grant;r,s,c;ezmlmAdministrator#users#
OpenLDAPaci: 20#entry#grant;r,s,c;controlsAdministrator#users#
OpenLDAPaci: 21#entry#grant;r,s,c;useACI#users#
OpenLDAPaci: 22#entry#grant;w,r,s,c,x;[all]#access-id#uid=turbo,ou=People,o=Fre
----- s n i p -----
which is much uglier...
But still, and this is a reall show stopper - have not been
able to work around this, this don't seemed to work propperly
either! It's the OID 2 that's problem here. The '[entry]'
isn't allowed and I can't seem to find it in the code either.
The check for it any way - all the code say is:
could be "[all]" or an attribute description
This means that i can't don't have enough access for _creating_
an object, only to _modify_ an existing one...
Creating a simple object like this:
----- s n i p -----
dn: o=phpQLAdmin_Branch_Test,c=se
objectclass: top
objectclass: organization
o: phpQLAdmin_Branch_Test
openldapaci: 0#entry#grant;w,r,s,c;[all]#access-id#uid=turbo,ou=people,o=fredriksson,c=se
----- s n i p -----
Fails because of:
----- s n i p -----
adding new entry "o=phpQLAdmin_Branch_Test,c=se"
ldap_add: Insufficient access (50)
additional info: no write access to entry
----- s n i p -----
Adding the line:
----- s n i p -----
openldapaci: 1#entry#grant;w,r,s,c;[entry]#access-id#uid=turbo,ou=people,o=fredriksson,c=se
----- s n i p -----
Will only give me:
----- s n i p -----
ldap_add: Invalid syntax (21)
additional info: openldapaci: value #1 invalid per syntax
----- s n i p -----
So... Is there a document that describes the _changes_ to previous
workings of OpenLDAPaci? Or exactly how it's supposed to work now?
Also, is my initial findings that there now have to be one attribute
per 'line' true? Seems very .. complicated ways of doing it... ?