This is the result with ldapadd: makela:/usr/local/openldap-2.3.27/var/openldap-data# /usr/local/openldap-2.3.27/bin/ldapadd -v -c -x -h localhost -D "cn=admin,c=es" -W -f /tmp/oracle.ldif ldap_initialize( ldap://localhost ) Enter LDAP Password: add orclMailDisplayDeleted: false add orclMailDisplayXHeaders: false add orclMailReplyFormat: inline add orclMailForwardFormat: attach add orclMailCopytoSent: true add orclMailBgColor: #84BA63 add objectClass: orclmailapplicationpreferences add orclMailTimeZone: ECT add associatedDomain: add orclMailFgColor: #000000 add orclMailExternalAccess: false add orclMailOffColor: #EFD87D add orclMailNumDisplay: 20 add cn: CHONCHONA add orclMailOnColor: #FFFFFF add orclMailActionColor: brown add orclMailName: CHONCHONA adding new entry "objectclass=orclmailapplicationpreferences,aplicacion=CC,usuario=CHONCHONA,o=usuarios,o=domain,c=es" modify complete ldap_add: Internal (implementation specific) error (80) additional info: no structuralObjectClass operational attribute
Luca Scamoni wrote:
Did you try with a google search? The first result I get points to:
BTW both versions you are using are historical and not supported anymore. Current stable is 2.3.27.
Jose Manuel Lopez wrote:
Hi, I had extract ldif file from openldap-2.0.27. When I try charge ldif into openldap-2.2.23 I obtain error: no structural object class provided. Have you any idea about it? I am using the same schema of 2.0.27.
Thank You.
Ing. Luca Scamoni Responsabile Ricerca e Sviluppo SysNet s.n.c. Via Dossi, 8 - 27100 Pavia - ITALIA
Office: +39.0382.573859 (137) Mobile: +39.347.1014425 Email: