when displaying an input form for renaming an entry I'd like to let the user search for possible new superior DNs. If applicable I'd like to construct the search filter derived from applicable DIT structure rules. So the question is how to find the structural object classes which are allowed for superior entries.
X.501 (1993) section 12.6.5 says: "Each object and alias entry is governed by a single DIT structure rule."
Currently I determine the governing structure rule by looking up the best matching name form for 1. the structural object class and 2. the current old RDN. Then I can derive the possible superior structure rules and lookup the superior structural object classes via the accompanying name forms.
But now I wonder what to do in case the user wants to change the RDN together with a new superior DN in one rename operation? From my understanding changing the RDN could lead to another governing structure rule. Is that right?
Ciao, Michael.
P.S.: I'd appreciate interop testing over Internet regarding this...