Hi there,

I'm running an LDAP server version 2.3.39 and I'm using ppolicy to force users in some specific things, but I'm having some issue when I try to change my user's password with passwd command.

Here's the output screen

[user1@cliserv ~]$ ssh ldapclisrv
user1@ldapclisrv's password:
Your LDAP password will expire in 10 days.
Last login: Wed Mar  4 17:42:18 2009 from cliserv
[user1@ldapclisrv ~]$
[user1@ldapclisrv ~]$
[user1@ldapclisrv ~]$ passwd
Changing password for user user1.
Enter login(LDAP) password:
New UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
LDAP password information update failed: Can't contact LDAP server
Must supply old password to be changed as well as new one
passwd: Permission denied
[user1@ldapclisrv ~]$

As you can see, I can login using LDAP ID, and I can change user1 password if I use ldappasswd, entering all ldap information, but I would like to make it simpler.

Does anybody has any idea ?

Gustavo Mendes de Carvalho
e-mail: gmcarvalho@gmail.com