Thank you for the reply.

We are using symas rpm pkgs.

Of course, test env first but wanted to run it here , before i start 

Thank you
On Jan 31, 2022, 2:08 PM -0500, Shawn McKinney <>, wrote:

On Jan 30, 2022, at 2:52 PM, Dave Macias <> wrote:

3-way MMR (syncrepl) with centos 7 using v2.6

We want to add a 4th master but with Rocky Linux 8.

Why rocky? because eventually we will migrate the 3 masters to rocky linux too. But that will take some time…

Any concerns with mixing linux flavor but using same openldap version?
Dont do it?

I wouldn’t anticipate any problems mixing different distros, all using the same version.

Of course you’d have different setups for ancillary concerns like logging, core dumps, etc.

Also, depending on what OpenLDAP packages you're using, e.g. built from source, vanilla Debian, LTB, Symas, the artifacts might well be placed in different locations and the systemd bits will vary.

But as usual, give it a try in a test env and see how it goes.


Any input is appreciated.