May be this attribute only exists in other LDAP servers.

What I want is to know when password is about to expire, any attrbiute in the openldap server indicate about this ?


Gavin Henry wrote:
<quote who="Paul Lee">
Dear all,

I am using openldap 2.4.8 and testing with the pwdExpireWarning and the

I set the pwdExpireWarning = 100 and the pwdMaxAge = 120

Then, I preform a change in password operation. and wait for 20 seconds
(120 - 100).

I then preform a Authentificaiton to the LDAP several times, I see from
the log indicate that it now falls in the warning period (i.e. about to
expire but not yet expired)

Apr 17 19:47:47 ldap0 slapd[7519]: ppolicy_bind: Setting warning for
password expiry for cn=paul,ou=SCIG,ou=Govt-Dept,o=HKSARG = 96 seconds

However, when I retrieve the operational attributes for that user, I
can't see the pwdExpirationWarned attribute.

Where did you see that attribute?
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