

I have noticed a problem in OpenLDAP multimaster 2.4.44 with MDB backend.

I did the following steps:

i)                    Add four entries into Master 1 (using slapadd with option -w).

ii)                   Configure Master 1 and Master 2 in Multi Master mode. Syncrepl information is given below:


Master1 Starts port (2016)


syncRepl rid=100



        retry="5 + 5 +"






  binddn="cn=Manager, dc=my-domain,dc=com"



mirrormode on


overlay syncprov

# contextCSN saved to database every 100 updates or ten minutes

syncprov-checkpoint 100 10

syncprov-sessionlog 100


Master1 Ends




Master2 Starts port (2017)


syncRepl rid=100



        retry="5 + 5 +"






  binddn="cn=Manager, dc=my-domain,dc=com"



mirrormode on


overlay syncprov

# contextCSN saved to database every 100 updates or ten minutes

syncprov-checkpoint 100 10

syncprov-sessionlog 100


Master2 Ends



iii)                 These four entries get replicated on the Master 2 correctly and are visible from ldap browser accurately.

iv)                 Add three more entries to Master 1. (using slapadd with option -w)

v)                  After restarting both Master 1 and Master 2, on Ldap Browser the new added entries are visible in Master 1 correctly. But in Master 2, all the previous entries got missing. Ldap browser is giving error “No entries returned” ( It seems just like Master 2 DB got empty)

vi)                 But then I execute ldapsearch command on Master 2 as given below:


ldapsearch -h xx.xx.xx.xx -p 2017 -b "dc=my-domain,dc=com"


The above command returns all the entries exactly same to the Master 1 with the below search response:

# search result

search: 2

result: 0 Success


# numResponses: 10

# numEntries: 9


Now I am unable to understand how it this possible that the entries exist in the DB but not showing through Ldap browser. ( I have checked Master 2 entries in different ldap browsers too)

But it is just showing empty DB. Master 1 entries are showing correctly in Ldap browser.


Context CSN for both the servers is same as given below:


ldapsearch -H ldap://xx.xx.xx.xx:2016 -LLL -x -s base -b "dc=my-domain,dc=com" contextCSN

dn: "dc=my-domain,dc=com"

contextCSN: 20160705065521.205150Z#000000#000#000000


ldapsearch -H ldap://xx.xx.xx.xx:2017 -LLL -x -s base -b "dc=my-domain,dc=com" contextCSN

dn: "dc=my-domain,dc=com"

contextCSN: 20160705065521.205150Z#000000#000#000000



Can you please let me know how it can happen and how to solve this problem.



Best Regards,

Gurjot Kaur


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