
I have very simple requirements for "users" e.g. representative of user accounts with userid and password.  

I have a web application which we are currently using Apache's htpasswd flat file database for userid's and password.  We'd like to be able to have Apache point to LDAP for user authentication from the web app.

Any pointers how to get going in this direction would be greatly appreciated.  


On Saturday, February 13, 2016 1:33 PM, Quanah Gibson-Mount <quanah@zimbra.com> wrote:

--On Friday, February 12, 2016 7:17 PM +0000 Mary Kao <wmcic@yahoo.com>


> Hello,
> Would appreciate being pointed to good documentation for adding users to
> LDAP directory and testing user authentication?

"ldapadd" is a good utility for adding users.  "ldapwhoami" is a good way
to test.

Your question unfortunately lacks the detail to help you much beyond that.
For example, we do not know what type of "user" you are asking about?  A
"person" object?  An "account" object? etc.

You might find the following in the Admin guide of use:


The critical thing to keep in mind, is that you have to determine what
requirements /you/ have for your "user" entries.  We can't determine those
for you.  It could be something very simply (An account entry with very few
attributes) or complex (A person using inetOrgPerson, with numerous
attributes from inetOrgPerson plus other attributes that inetOrgPerson
inherts from) to something entirely custom (an account or person entry
that's been extended by a custom schema, etc).

The OpenLDAP source tarball includes a "tests" directory that has LDIF
entries used in testing, including various types of account and/or user
type entries.  They may be of help to you as /examples/ as well, like:


If you can provide more information on your goals, we may be able to help
you further with your request.  Hope this helps!



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Platform Architect
Zimbra, Inc.
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration
A division of Synacor, Inc