Hello all,

Recently I've installed LDAP - version 2.4.44 Manually in a Ubuntu 16.04 TLS server.

root@Linux-LDAP-SERVER:~# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS
Release: 16.04
Codename: xenial

I followed every step in the official Quick-Start Quide (http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin24/quickstart.html)

But from step 9 forward it practically didn't work:

9.Import the configuration database 
You are now ready to import your configration database for use by slapd(8), by running the command:
su root -c /usr/local/sbin/slapadd -F /usr/local/etc/cn=config -l /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.ldif

root@Linux-LDAP-SERVER:~# /usr/local/sbin/slapadd -F /usr/local/etc/cn=config -l /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.ldif
58fa3f94 invalid config directory /usr/local/etc/cn=config, error 2
slapadd: bad configuration directory!


10. Start SLAPD. 
You are now ready to start the Standalone LDAP Daemon, slapd(8), by running the command:
su root -c /usr/local/libexec/slapd -F /usr/local/etc/cn=config

To check to see if the server is running and configured correctly, you can run a search against it with ldapsearch(1). By default, ldapsearch is installed as /usr/local/bin/ldapsearch:
ldapsearch -x -b '' -s base '(objectclass=*)' namingContexts

Note the use of single quotes around command parameters to prevent special characters from being interpreted by the shell. This should return:
namingContexts: dc=example,dc=com

root@Linux-LDAP-SERVER:~# /usr/local/libexec/slapd -F /usr/local/etc/cn=config
root@Linux-LDAP-SERVER:~# ldapsearch -x -b 'dc=example,dc=com' '(objectclass=*)'ldap_sasl_bind(SIMPLE): Can't contact LDAP server (-1)

What am i doing wrong? Why can't it contact the server, if the installation was ok, with no errors ou warnings...
