the search:

   ldapsearch  -h localhost -x -b ou=bestMatchPrefixList,ou=sipDirektor,dc=ot,dc=hr -D cn=admin,dc=ot,dc=hr -w passwd objectClass=originatorPrefixID


   # Indices to maintain
   index   objectClass               eq
   index   uniqueID                   eq
   index   bestMatchPrefix        eq
   index   originatorPrefixID       eq

according to schema i have

            --------- ou=bestMatchPrefixList
                                           ----------- bestMatchPrefix=<PREFIX>

here is an example of returned data:

# 041020, 078120.100.10000.90, 1251, bestMatchPrefixList, sipDirektor,
dn: originatorPrefixID=041020,carrierPrefixID=078120.100.10000.90,bestMatchPre
originatorPrefix: 041020
priority: 100
originator: 041020
originatorPrefixID: 041020
objectClass: top
objectClass: originatorPrefixID

# 049010, 078120.100.10000.90, 1251, bestMatchPrefixList, sipDirektor,
dn: originatorPrefixID=049010,carrierPrefixID=078120.100.10000.90,bestMatchPre
originatorPrefix: 049010
priority: 100
originator: 049010
originatorPrefixID: 049010
objectClass: top
objectClass: originatorPrefixID

# 046010, 078120.100.10000.90, 1251, bestMatchPrefixList, sipDirektor,
dn: originatorPrefixID=046010,carrierPrefixID=078120.100.10000.90,bestMatchPre
originatorPrefix: 046010
priority: 100
originator: 046010
originatorPrefixID: 046010
objectClass: top
objectClass: originatorPrefixID

# 049020, 078120.100.10000.90, 1251, bestMatchPrefixList, sipDirektor,
dn: originatorPrefixID=049020,carrierPrefixID=078120.100.10000.90,bestMatchPre
originatorPrefix: 049020
priority: 100
originator: 049020
originatorPrefixID: 049020
objectClass: top
objectClass: originatorPrefixID

# 078120, 078120.100.10000.90, 1251, bestMatchPrefixList, sipDirektor,
dn: originatorPrefixID=078120,carrierPrefixID=078120.100.10000.90,bestMatchPre
originatorPrefix: 078120
priority: 100
originator: 078120
originatorPrefixID: 078120
objectClass: top
objectClass: originatorPrefixID

# 043010, 078120.100.10000.90, 1251, bestMatchPrefixList, sipDirektor,
dn: originatorPrefixID=043010,carrierPrefixID=078120.100.10000.90,bestMatchPre
originatorPrefix: 043010
priority: 100
originator: 043010
originatorPrefixID: 043010
objectClass: top
objectClass: originatorPrefixID


On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 12:33 AM, Quanah Gibson-Mount <> wrote:
--On Thursday, September 17, 2009 12:26 PM -0700 Quanah Gibson-Mount <> wrote:

--On Thursday, September 17, 2009 9:23 PM +0200 Tihomir Culjaga
<> wrote:

so, can anyone help here ?

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 8:34 PM, Tihomir Culjaga <>

ok .. but the basic issue is still there ...

i do a complete search and it hangs right on the 1st entry i added with
LDAP search ... it watis for 1 minute ...and at the end returns all 4
remaining entries...

Can you better define the search you are running?  Is it a search for particular attr=value string?  If so, is that attribute indexed?



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Principal Software Engineer
Zimbra, Inc
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration