Hi, I am writing because some time ago I have done some things with LDAP. But I am unable to make the new versions work (2.4.x). Basically I create the config file but I am unable to say to LDAP to use it instead of the default one. Is that clear somewhere in the documentation? can anyone help me?

I have followed the official documentation and I managed to compile and create the config files (Config manual), after this I have an ldif file like this:

root@helpDesk10000:~# cat base.ldif
# example config file - global configuration entry
dn: cn=config
objectClass: olcGlobal
cn: config
# olcReferral: ldap://root.openldap.org

# internal schema
dn: cn=schema,cn=config
objectClass: olcSchemaConfig
cn: schema

# include the core schema
include: file:///usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/core.ldif

# global database parameters
dn: olcDatabase=frontend,cn=config
objectClass: olcDatabaseConfig
olcDatabase: frontend
olcAccess: to * by * read

# set a rootpw for the config database so we can bind.
# deny access to everyone else.
dn: olcDatabase=config,cn=config
objectClass: olcDatabaseConfig
olcDatabase: config
olcRootPW: {SSHA}EQpw7T2x2Num+krwRjq/ZYczmRgaX1Km
olcAccess: to * by * none

# HDB definition for example.com
dn: olcDatabase=bdb,cn=config
objectClass: olcDatabaseConfig
objectClass: olcHdbConfig
olcDatabase: hdb
olcSuffix: dc=helpdesk,dc=co,dc=bw
olcDbDirectory: /var/lib/ldap-database
olcRootDN: cn=Manager,dc=helpdesk,dc=co,dc=bw
olcRootPW: {SSHA}teY3/6WO7uoGrCmaDu9NKmvgn87WlCCw
olcDbIndex: uid pres,eq
olcDbIndex: cn,sn pres,eq,approx,sub
olcDbIndex: objectClass eq
olcAccess: to attrs=userPassword
by self write
by anonymous auth
by dn.base=”cn=Admin,dc=helpdesk,dc=co,dc=bw” write
by * none
olcAccess: to *
by self write
by dn.base=”cn=Admin,dc=helpdesk,dc=co,dc=bw” write
by * read

Then the LDAP add apparently works:

root@helpDesk10000:~# ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -vn -f base.ldif
add objectClass:
add cn:
!adding new entry "cn=config"

add objectClass:
add cn:
!adding new entry "cn=schema,cn=config"

add objectClass:
add cn:
add olcAttributeTypes:
( NAME 'knowledgeInformation' DESC 'RFC2256: knowledge information' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX{32768} )


add olcDbDirectory:
add olcRootDN:
add olcRootPW:
add olcDbIndex:
uid pres,eq
cn,sn pres,eq,approx,sub
objectClass eq
add olcAccess:
to attrs=userPassword by self write by anonymous auth by dn.base="cn=Admin,dc=helpdesk,dc=co,dc=bw" write by * none
to * by self write by dn.base="cn=Admin,dc=helpdesk,dc=co,dc=bw" write by * read
!adding new entry "olcDatabase=bdb,cn=config"


after that I start slapcat and it says this:

root@helpDesk10000:~# slapcat
545b828d bdb_db_open: warning - no DB_CONFIG file found in directory /usr/local/var/openldap-data: (2).
Expect poor performance for suffix "dc=my-domain,dc=com".
545b828d bdb_monitor_db_open: monitoring disabled; configure monitor database to enable

How do I say to LDAP to use my configuration instead of the default one?

Thank you!