hi, i was modifying uidNumber attribute of a user
but then has been standing for a few minutes and I stopped it:
root@amahoro:~# ldapmodify -x -W -D 'cn=Manager,dc=amahoro,dc=bi'
Enter LDAP Password:
dn: uid=stefano,cn=Admins,dc=amahoro,dc=bi
changetype: modify
replace: uidNumber
uidNumber: 1001
modifying entry "uid=stefano,cn=Admins,dc=amahoro,dc=bi"
then with an ldapsearch for this user there was not the uidNumber
dn: uid=stefano,cn=Admins,dc=amahoro,dc=bi
uid: stefano
cn: Stefano Malini
sn: Malini
gidNumber: 1000
homeDirectory: /home/Admins/stefano
mail: stefano.malini@gmail.com
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: top
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
uidNumber: 1001
trying to add it
root@amahoro:~# ldapmodify -x -W -D 'cn=Manager,dc=amahoro,dc=bi'
Enter LDAP Password:
dn: uid=stefano,cn=Admins,dc=amahoro,dc=bi
changetype: add
add: uidNumber
uidNumber: 1001
adding new entry "uid=stefano,cn=Admins,dc=amahoro,dc=bi"
ldap_add: Undefined attribute type (17)
additional info: add: attribute type undefined
you can see the error message
what is wrong?