Hi Quanah
If i comment out the module loading part then I am getting following ERROR
[HPE SmartFabric:root@SN2100-106 initial_config]#ldapmodify -x -D 'cn=config' -w secret -f update_config.ldif
adding new entry "olcDatabase={2}mdb,cn=config"
adding new entry "olcOverlay=syncprov,olcDatabase={2}mdb,cn=config"
adding new entry "olcOverlay={0}syncprov,olcDatabase={3}mdb,cn=config"
adding new entry "olcOverlay={1}accesslog,olcDatabase={3}mdb,cn=config"
ldap_add: Invalid syntax (21)
additional info: objectClass: value #1 invalid per syntax
and this ERROR is for section
dn: olcOverlay={1}accesslog,olcDatabase={3}mdb,cn=config
changetype: add
objectClass: olcOverlayConfig
objectClass: olcAccessLogConfig
olcOverlay: {1}accesslog
olcAccessLogDB: cn=accesslog
olcAccessLogOps: writes
olcAccessLogSuccess: TRUE
olcAccessLogPurge: 01+00:00 00+04:00
Let me know what is wrong with this.