On 11-06-10 3:16 PM, VIKAS MARWAHA wrote:
I need a little help. I am implementing LDAP services in my
The apache LDAP authentication works fine with any directory viz.
but it doesn't works with
i.e with a subfolder in public_html.
The issue is whenever i write the lines in http.conf the folder
stops appearing in the browser.
i dont see the folder when i browse
i don't see the folder in browser.
lines in http.conf file
<Directory /home/vikasmarwaha/public_html/private/>
Authtype Basic
AuthName "Secured Area : Vikas Marwaha's Page : Secured with
LDAP : Authorized personal only"
AuthBasicProvider ldap
AuthzLDAPAuthoritative on
AuthLDAPURL "ldap://,dc=example,dc=com?uid?"
require ldap-user vikasmarwaha
Please tell me where am i wrong.!
this one works perfect..
<Directory /home/vikasmarwaha/>
Authtype Basic
AuthName "Secured Area : Vikas Marwaha's Page : Secured with
LDAP : Authorized personal only"
AuthBasicProvider ldap
AuthzLDAPAuthoritative on
AuthLDAPURL "ldap://,dc=example,dc=com?uid?"
require ldap-user vikasmarwaha
but it doesn't satisfies my requirements. Need to secure the
subfolder(under public_html -- user's web space.) not the whole
user directory.
Vikas Marwaha
Sent via HP Touchsmart powered by Backtrack 5 Linux
Technology of Future.
Is /home/username/public_html a symlink to a real directory? You
might have to apply the <Directory></Directory> settings
on that directory if that is the case.