Hi all -

I've got a familiar story, I'm sure.

I have a campus-wide AD infrastructure that I'd like to leverage. 

Unfortunately, my LDAP client (an Isilon NAS) requires some attributes that AD doesn't populate.  e.g., homeDirectory.  As it turns out, the silly thing doesn't even use these values, at least not for our use case.  But the entire lookup fails if it doesn't get something back for those attributes. 

I presumably can use a translucent proxy to set these attributes locally.  I tested this successfully. 

Ideally, though, instead of creating DNs for each person on the translucent proxy server, I'd like to just have slapd fill in a default value for these attributes when they are empty.  I would also be happy with a method that just overwrites the existing attribute, regardless of whether it exists.  Again, for ALL DNs... I don't want to create each account individually in both places. 


I thought maybe the rewrite overlay would allow this but it seems like I was incorrect (please advise if it can be done).

I have poked around and found no other way to do this.  Am I missing something? 

Dan Pritts
ICPSR Computing & Network Services
University of Michigan
+1 (734)615-7362