BTW, Network is not the problem. I used private IP instead of DNS name when connecting to LDAP server. The "ping" from the client to LDAP server returned in <1ms.

--- On Thu, 9/11/08, Dieter Kluenter <> wrote:
From: Dieter Kluenter <>
Subject: Re: Help: Slow LDAP search with high %iowait
Date: Thursday, September 11, 2008, 6:54 AM


Victor <> writes:

> Would you folks mind sharing some thoughts/ideas on this? Thanks a lot!
> --- On Mon, 9/8/08, Victor <> wrote:
>> From: Victor <>
>> Subject: Help: Slow LDAP search with high %iowait
>> To:
>> Date: Monday, September 8, 2008, 5:35 PM
>> Hi ,
>> I did quite a bit reading and research before I send email
>> to this list for help. If I have missed some basic concepts
>> here, please execuse my ignorance. Thanks for your help and
>> time in advance.

did you read

>> 1. Summary
>> The initial search in my prototyping with OpenLDAP (slapd +
>> BDB) seemed to be slow. What is the reason and How could I
>> fix it?
>> 2. Configuration
>> 2.1 Environment
>> Linux CentOS, 1 hard disk (therefore unfortunately the BDB
>> transaction logs and database files are written to the same
>> disk), 120GB disk space (80% unused), 1GB RAM, reserved for
>> this prototyping, OpenLDAP 2.3.39 with default BDB
>> installation

add more RAM to your machine

>> 2.2 slapd.conf (modified trivially for discussion
>> purpose)
>> # global configuration
>> loglevel 0
>> # BDB
>> database bdb
>> suffix "dc=test,dc=dummy,dc=com"
>> rootdn
>> "cn=Manager,dc=test,dc=dummy,dc=com"
>> # Cleartext passwords, especially for the rootdn, should
>> # be avoid. See slappasswd(8) and slapd.conf(5) for
>> details.
>> # Use of strong authentication encouraged.
>> rootpw secret
>> # The database directory MUST exist prior to running slapd
>> AND
>> # should only be accessible by the slapd and slap tools.
>> # Mode 700 recommended.
>> directory /usr/local/var/openldap-data
>> #Other DB configuration
>> idlcachesize 60000
>> cachesize 20000

increase cachesize, add dncachsize, man slapd-bdb(5)

>> # Indices to maintain
>> # the indexes are to support search in first name, last
>> name and email for both exact match and wild cards in the
>> end
>> index objectClass eq
>> index gn pres,eq,sub
>> index sn pres,eq,sub
>> index mail pres,eq,sub
>> 2.3 DB_CONFIG (for BDB)
>> set_cachesize 0 52428800 1
>> set_lg_bsize 2097512
>> set_flags DB_LOG_AUTOREMOVE
>> set_lg_regionmax 262144

increase cachesize

>> 2.4 Data setup
>> 2 million records (users with gn, sn, email, mobile, street
>> address, etc. in the BDB; all records are indexed using the
>> index in the above slapd.conf; grouped by the first
>> character of lastName. For example,
>> dn: ou=Z,dc=test,dc=dummy,dc=com
>> objectclass: organizationalUnit
>> ou: Z
>> Sample LDIF entry:
>> #Directory Entry
>> dn:
>> uid=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123459,ou=F,dc=test,dc=dummy,dc=com
>> objectclass: top
>> objectclass: person
>> objectclass: organizationalPerson
>> objectclass: inetOrgPerson
>> ...... (details omitted)

What is the size of id2entry.bdb and all indexed >attribute>.bdb

>> 3. Symptom/Problem
>> It was very slow in the first (fresh) search if I searched
>> by wildcard firstname only like "Larry*" (which
>> returned 478 entries/users). The response time was generally
>> higher than 5 seconds Depending the count of records found,
>> the response time might exceed 20 or even 50 seconds. During
>> the search, the "iostat" result showed +95%
>> %iowait, await was much higher that svctm, the device %util
>> was over 96%. Here is the "iostat" output:

This might depend on disk type, PATA vs. SATA, read ahead abilities
and so on.

>> However, The subsequent search (using the exact search
>> criteria) is much faster (within 200ms). I believe it is
>> because of the cache.

200 ms is not fast enough, depending on network and server load,
respose values of 4 to 10 ms are reasonable.


Dieter Klünter | Systemberatung