So I am trying to setup a command line script to simply changing users passwords. I know there are Perl modules and the like, but right now I just want to try to use ldapsearch and ldappasswd.

From my workstation(just a client of the LDAP server). ldapsearch is working fine. When I run

ldapsearch -x -H ldaps://blah.blah:#### -W -D uid=mradmin,ou=service-accounts,ou=taco,dc=bell,dc=com -b ou=taco,dc=bell,dc=com "(&(cn=*)(uid=testuser))"

This returns info. Looking at those results, it returned what I think I was looking for
dc: uid=testuser,ou=people,ou=taco,dc=bell,dc=com

So I then ran.

ldappasswd -x -H ldaps://blah.blah:#### -D "uid=mradmin,ou=service-accounts,ou=taco,dc=bell,dc=com" -W "uid=testuser,ou=people,ou=taco,dc=bell,dc=com"

And I get the following error

Result: No such object (32)
Additional info: Error in search for entry "oid=,cn=features,cn=config".

I very new to dealing with LDAP, so I could be missing something simple from the command line.
Thanks for any pointers.