Hi guys,


I have been trying for a few weeks to integrate 2 directories. One is an AD directory which holds internal employees and is used for windows domain logins/policy etc. The other is an openLDAP directory I set up myself last week which contains external users (not employed by the company but need access to various web applications we serve). As some of our web applications do not support chaining multiple authentication sources we are trying to get all the AD content available in OpenLDAP, so we can use that for web app authentication and AD for Windows Domain stuff.  


Before this I have basically no experience with LDAP (if I don't count adding and removing the odd user or group from AD). As a result I went into this project rather optimistically, having read great stuff about syncrepl and how easy it is to set up replication to openLDAP. By now I am guessing most people have guessed the realisation I came to when I tried to go down that path, being that AD doesn't play nicely with others and syncrepl is not going to help here.


Since then I have been doing a good deal of RTFMing and JFGIing and I believe what I need to do is to use the back-ldap database type to set up a proxy. Unfortunately that's where I hit a dead end. Every tutorial I can find seems to relate to slapd.conf, whereas I am setup with RTC in the slapd.d directory. In attempting to get around this I have been doing things like adding olc to the beginning of pretty much everything I would put into slapd.conf, saving as a .ldif and ldapadding it. After a while of trial and error runs I discovered what modules needed to be loaded and what not in order to complete the ldapadd without error, but still saw no change, searching found the results in OpenLDAP but never the ones in AD.


In desperation, today I apt-get purged OpenLDAP and its dependencies and reinstalled it. I deleted the basic configuration loaded into slapd.d and set up a slapd.conf file as best I could with the setup I needed plus the back-ldap stuff I had found in tutorials. I successfully slaptested it but I am hitting the exact same problem, and the changes I have made since then seem to have only succeeded in breaking OpenLDAP to the point where I was no longer able to connect to it with Apache Directory Studio.


So now I have purged the lot again, and I suppose I am looking for some help as to where to go from here. OpenLDAP is running on Ubuntu and the ldif I have been trying to add for the proxy is-

olcDatabase:        ldap

olcSuffix:          dc=companyname,dc=local

olcSubordinate: yes

olcRebind-as-user: yes

olcUri:             "ldap://companyname.local/"

olcChase-referrals: yes


Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!