I am attempting to use LMDB for the first time, on Mac OS 14.6 on an Apple Silicon (M3) Mac, using Appleā€™s clang compiler.

The issue I am having is that when LMDB creates new data and lock files, they are created with no permissions at all, and then LMDB fails to open the file with error #13: Unable to open LMDB environment: Permission denied. After this happens, a directory listing (ls -l) shows this:

----------  1 iemmons  staff   8.0K Jul 31 14:45 tempFile.db-lock

Where a typical directory entry on my system looks like this:

-rw-r--r--  1 iemmons  staff   6.7K Apr 16 10:33 SomeFile.txt

Is this issue something that you all might recognize and perhaps even know the fix for? If not, I will work up a minimal test case that exhibits the problem and post it.

