Hi all,

today i have a little problem with openldap configuration.

I have 2 server configured as N-WAY replication on database and cn=config.

into cn=config we have 

olcServerId: 1 ldap://ldap-int1.domaine.fr
olcServerId: 2 ldap://ldap-int2.domaine.fr

replication is working.

However to provide service to client we want to use a Virtual IP adresse. (ldap-int-vip.domaine.fr )

On two server i have installed keepalived demon to manage Virtual IP.
On nominal time the VIP is owned by ldap-int1 but she can going on ldap-int2

My problem is the slapd binary which don't want to start on secondary server
I want to start slapd demon on all interface but if we use ldap://* in command line to start slapd he say:

read_config: no serverID / URL match found. Check slapd -h arguments.

How to make this configuration ?
