--On Friday, January 17, 2025 2:45 PM -0500 Suresh Veliveli
<Suresh.Veliveli@georgetown.edu> wrote:
> Hi Quanah,
> Understood. Unfortunately, we are experiencing the issue. Here is my
> configuration.
> On Master:
> database mdb
> suffix "dc=georgetown,dc=edu"
> .
> dbnosync FALSE
> checkpoint 128 5
> maxsize 108993459200
># Replication
> overlay syncprov
> syncprov-checkpoint 10 5
> syncprov-sessionlog 100
> On the Replica:
> syncrepl rid=132
> provider=ldaps://aaa-master-1.uis.georgetown.edu:636/
> type=refreshAndPersist
> keepalive=300:5:5
> retry="5 5 300 +"
> How do we go about fixing this?
Looks like you're using the deprecated slapd.conf files, which can have
interesting issues because they may not properly order directives. Without
the full slapd.conf for both provider and consumer (minus sensitive data
like passwords), there's not a lot for me to go off of here.