Hi Quanah
Please ignore the previous email. The location I gave you was the directory I have created for the accesslog database.I am new to ldap so bare with my primitive questions. Please find my response to your questions
It looks like at least some of the modules in your system are compiled statically, which is
likely why you currently do not have a module{0} section for loading
[Rahul] How do I verify this if modules are compiled statically?
You'll also have to verify where on disk the accesslog overlay
exists so that the moduleload statement pulls from the right directory.
[Rahul] How do I find out where an accesslog overlay exists on the disk? based on findings
What changes I need to make in below lines for moduleload to work
dn: cn=module{0},cn=config
changetype: modify
add: olcModuleLoad
olcModuleLoad: syncprov
olcModuleLoad: accesslog