Le 03/03/2021 à 17:37, pascal.foulon@orange.com a écrit :

Hi all

Since several weeks , we met an issue on our test and UA Open LDAP  main master servers  version 2.4.38 hosted on Linux Red Hat 6.4 :


slapd: [INFO] Using /etc/default/slapd for configuration

slapd: [INFO] Launching OpenLDAP database backup...

slapd: [OK] data saved in /var/opt/data/flat/openldap/backups/data-20210303154336.ldif

603fa0ac bdb(cn=changelog): Logging region out of memory; you may need to increase its size

603fa0ac hdb_db_open: database "cn=changelog": db_open(/var/opt/data/db/openldap/changelog/id2entry.bdb) failed: Cannot allocate memory (12).

603fa0ac backend_startup_one (type=hdb, suffix="cn=changelog"): bi_db_open failed! (12)

slap_startup failed

slapd: [ALERT] OpenLDAP database backup failed


Once a week, this servers is completely updated using a backup sent from our production server


On the backup master server,  backup process runs well.


Any idea to fix this issue ?

Seems clear you have a memory issue. With BDB/HDB, you can change memory settings in DB_CONFIG file located in the data directory (here /var/opt/data/db/openldap/changelog/). Adapt the settings set_lg_regionmax / set_lg_max / set_lg_bsize

And obviously you are running an outdated version on an outdated distro. The best advice is to use the latest OpenLDAP version and switch to MDB.

Clément Oudot | Identity Solutions Manager


Worteks | https://www.worteks.com