

On an already running setup of OpenLDAP 2.4 on Linux (Linux GURKES015 2.6.18-128.el5 #1 SMP Wed Dec 17 11:41:38 EST 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux) platform, one day I start getting following error when I execute the slapcat command:


bdb_db_open: warning - no DB_CONFIG file found in directory /opt/proxy/HostedDirectoryLDAPMultiMaster/instances/LdapServers_1/var/openldap-data: (2).

Expect poor performance for suffix "dc=ORG,dc=COM".bdb(dc=ORG,dc=COM):

Logging region out of memory; you may need to increase its size

bdb_db_open: database "dc=ORG,dc=COM": db_open(/opt/proxy/HostedDirectoryLDAPMultiMaster/instances/LdapServers_1/var/openldap-data/id2entry.bdb) failed:

Cannot allocate memory (12).

backend_startup_one: bi_db_open failed! (12)

slap_startup failed



Following are the system RAM  and disk space usage.

Tasks: 192 total,   2 running, 190 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie

Cpu(s):  0.1%us,  0.3%sy,  0.0%ni, 98.9%id,  0.7%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st

Mem:   8178840k total,  8145460k used,    33380k free,   329840k buffers

Swap:  2031608k total,      220k used,  2031388k free,  6623032k cached


Filesystem                          Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

/dev/mapper/rootvg-lv_root          1.9G  688M  1.2G  38% /

tmpfs                               3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev/shm

/dev/sda1                           289M   17M  258M   7% /boot

/dev/mapper/rootvg-lv_users         1.9G  1.6G  218M  89% /users

/dev/mapper/rootvg-lv_exec          124M  5.6M  113M   5% /exec

/dev/mapper/rootvg-lv_images        1.9G   73M  1.8G   4% /images

/dev/mapper/rootvg-lv_var           1.9G  140M  1.7G   8% /var

/dev/mapper/rootvg-lv_tmp           961M   22M  890M   3% /tmp

/dev/mapper/rootvg-lv_system        186M  7.9M  169M   5% /system

/dev/mapper/rootvg-lv_usr           1.9G  663M  1.2G  37% /usr

/dev/mapper/rootvg-lv_cft251        496M  430M   41M  92% /exec/products/cft

/dev/mapper/rootvg-lv_bases         79G   19G   57G  25% /bases

/dev/mapper/rootvg-lv_nbu          1008M  361M  597M  38% /exec/products/netbackup

/dev/mapper/rootvg-lv_pat          1008M  194M  764M  21% /exec/products/patrol

/dev/mapper/rootvg-lv_bladelogic    992M  187M  755M  20% /exec/products/bladelogic



I have removed some log.xxxxx files from /opt/proxy/HostedDirectoryLDAPMultiMaster/instances/LdapServers_1/var/openldap-data which are not in use. But still the same error persist while executing slapcat command.


Then I restarted the slapd process. After that I start facing ldaperror 80 with additional info “index generation failed” error while adding, deleting or modifying any entry along in ldap DB.


Could somebody help us to understand:


1.       Why there was “Logging region out of memory; you may need to increase its sizeerror. How to resolve it?

2.       Why after slapd restart, I got “index generation failed” error. How to resolve it?



PS: DB_CONFIG was not present in /var/openldap-data directory and slapcat was used to work properly before this issue.

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