/path/to/ldap_certdb is actually a directory, the files under it are like this:


% ls –altr /path/to/ldap_certdb

total 56

-rw-r--r--   1 dmadmin dmadmin 16384 Sep 14  2010 secmod.db

-rw-r--r--   1 dmadmin dmadmin 16384 Sep 14  2010 key3.db

-rw-r--r--   1 dmadmin dmadmin 16384 Sep 14  2010 cert7.db

drwx------  27 dmadmin dmadmin  4096 Aug 30 22:14 ../

drwxr-xr-x   2 dmadmin dmadmin  4096 Aug 30 22:14 ./



> Hello Daisy. Now I see what your problem is, you are pointing to certificate files

stored in iPlanet/Sun One DS format. You will need to point to the store of your

OpenSSL root certificates bundle on your OS or generate your own one. Here is

something that applies to CURL and OpenSSL, but the idea is the same:




